Hometown Photos

Jadyn Moore, May 18, 2020, in downtown Portland. Jadyn and I went to high school
together and we thought the lights in downtown were pretty.
She stood behind this tree while I took her photo. I wanted to make the lights blurry and have
the focus be on her face. 

Jackson Tower in Portland, OR. May 18, 2020. While in downtown Portland,
the sun was hitting this building just right. I snapped the photo
and the reflections on the Jackson Tower looked beautiful.

Crown Point in Corbet, OR, May 18, 2020. After downtown, Jadyn and I went to the
Gorge. We weren't really supposed to be there, but the sunshine came out around this
time and I couldn't leave without a photo! The blues really mesh together. The rock on the
right, there's a hike that people go on and will sit on the edge! I wouldn't dare!!


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